I notice a few new faces here tonight. I’d like you to introduce yourself, and tell us your addiction. Let’s begin with you…Hello, Bill. Welcome to the group. And you?... Hello, Monica. Welcome to the group. And you, sir?...Okay, that’s fine. You don’t have to share with us until you’re ready. We’re not here to pressure you. This group is about being comfortable, comfortable first with your surroundings, and then comfortable with sharing your thoughts. Speaking of thoughts, who would like to begin tonight? Charmagne? You seem particularly chatty this evening. Perhaps you’d like to begin, show your new friend that we have nothing to hide here, nothing to be ashamed of?

That’s cool, Todd. I’ll start this motherfucker up tonight. Hi, y’all. My name is Charmagne and I’m a recovering pill addict, sex addict, and I used to huff gas too. Don’t know what the fuck you call that. Recovering huffer, I guess. Bwah! Sheeit. I haven’t used for twenty days now, but I have been fucked. Sorry, Todd. Yeah yeah? A’ight—I have been fucked lately, but….It was all good, and I ain’t ashamed of it. Ah know it ain’t right sometimes, fucking in bad places under bad circumstances for bad reasons, but this last one was good. This last one made me feel…

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